How to register NGOs in KPK

how to register NGOs in KPK

How to register NGOs in KPK: Non-Government organizations or NGOs are usually not-for-profit entities with the main purpose to help society. There is the vast majority of local and international NGOs currently working in Pakistan. The estimated number of active NGOs in Pakistan is between 100,000 to 150,000. These not-for-profit organizations are regulated by the relevant department of the province in which they are registered. In today’s blog post we will discuss how to register NGOs in KPK. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a Society/Agency can be registered under the following laws described below in more detail.


The NGOs that can be registered under this law for the provision of welfare services are limited to any one or more of the following below-mentioned fields.

  • Child, youth, and women’s
  • Physically and mentally impaired
  • Family planning
  • Social Education
  • Rehabilitation of patients and released prisoners
  • Aged and poor people
  • Entertainment programs to keep people away from anti-social activities
  • Provision of Training in social work
  • Coordination of social welfare agencies

Societies Registration Act, 1860

 Under this law, NGOs can be registered for the promotion of science, literature, or the fine arts including :

  • Political education
  • Maintenance of libraries and museums for the general public
  • Art galleries for painting and other such works
  • Collections of natural history
  • Inventions, instruments, or designs.

 The application for registration shall be filed with the directorate of industries and commerce KPK.

List of Required Documents:

  • List of General Body members and Office Bearers (Provide complete details such as names, complete addresses, telephone no, occupation). The minimum requirements are 20 members including at least 07 office bearers
  • Attested copies of CNIC (to be attested by a Gazetted Officer) of all the Office Bearers / Executive Members and General Body Members
  • Minutes of the founder members’ resolution passed for the registration of the organization and must be signed by all members.
  • Payment of Registration Fee 500
  • Two signed copies of the Constitution (Memorandum of Association as well as Article of Association) of the Society/Agency. The Elements of The Constitution must contain the following:
  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. Aims and Objects
  4. Area of operation
  5. Plan of action (it is required to briefly explain how to implement proposed activities and sources of income required)
  6. Membership criteria (i.e., Eligibility, Procedure for admission, suspension, or cancellation, Rights and privileges
  7. Organizational structure: Composition, powers, and functions of the General Body, Governing Body, and Office bearers. Their Designation, Method of their election, selection or nomination, and Terms of Office
  8. Types of meetings, Notice period, and Quorum

A certificate of Registration shall be issued to the president of the NGO concerned after the verification process is complete by the registrar.

How can AlMuhasib & Co. help?
We have extensive experience in registering NGOs in Pakistan, if you need any further information on how to register NGOs in KPK, you can reach us at or visits our website