Company Registration in Haripur KPK: Company means a Private Limited Corporation which is registered with SECP for any kind of business purpose. The types of Companies are further divided into two broad categories.
SMC or Single Member company: The first type of Corporation which has one member/Director only. This type of business has introduced by the SECP in 2003. The SMC has dual benefits as enjoys the status of a separate legal person and also a sole trader.
- Can enter into an agreement with other parties in his own name which is the requirement of many government contracts that the contractor must be a corporate body.
- In case of death, the SMC will not close on the death of its member as shares are easily transferable to the nominated person.
- The control and management are in the hands of one person whereas in the case of other private limited companies consent of other directors/Board resolution is required for every decision. Moreover, not required to hold AGM or Annual General Meeting and Annual Returns.
Private Limited Company: The second type of corporate body must have at least two directors or partners. One of them must be the Chief executive or CEO of the organization.
Required Documents and information:
- Propose the name of the company (3 Suggested Names)
At least three proposed names for the business must be provided in the order of priority.
- Registered address
- Memorandum & Article of Association
- Scanned CNIC copies of Director (Front & Back Side)
- Authorized Capital
- Paid up Capital
- Shareholding of each Director (In case of Pvt. Ltd.)
- Name of Nominee- Must be Blood Relation (In case of SMC or Single Member Company)
- E-mail address
- Scanned CNIC copies of Nominee (Front & Back Side)
- Mobile Number
Please note that the Mobile number must be registered against the applicant’s CNIC number otherwise request for registration is rejected.
If you need further assistance regarding Company Registration in Haripur KPK, please contact us and a member of our customer service team will be happy to help.